Many sellers ask about our basic package. Yes, our basic package gets you on the MLS and propagates to hundreds of websites all for a flat fee of $95. We really only suggest those selling vacant land or a short sale to list with this package as you only get one photo.
As studies show, many buyers dismiss listings they see online showing one photo. They want to get a better idea of what a home looks like before they commit time to see it. There are hundreds of listings online for a buyer to look through and you want to catch their attention, and one photo many not do that.
In short, if one photo will portray your listing correctly (as vacant land may) or if you are priced better than anyone on your street (as many short sales are) you may get away with selling your property with one photo. Many sellers have a beautiful kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, outdoor space, etc that will attract buyers to look at their listing.
MySecretAgent, a top flat fee brokerage, is dedicated to put the "for sale by owner" sellers back in charge of the selling process. If you have any questions on our services please don't hesitate to contact us.
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